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My name is Dominique Prevot and I am the founder of I am chairman of the ABF - Association Beethoven France et Francophonie since 2002.

The website grows bigger with time, and I get help from friends and people from all over the world. I live in France and this website is a way for me to share with you my passion for Ludwig van Beethoven.

The first pages on Beethoven were created in February 2000, on our family site. Since 1st of May 2001, the information was enriched and formed the site

This site is not a closed book: it is a presentation of the life and work of Beethoven which regularly evolves and is added to. Everyone is invited to participate. To contact me, just send an email here.

Dominique PREVOT - 2007
Title If you see the site as it is...

Some figures on the site

  • 769 html pages (in English, in French, in Italian, in Spanish);

  • 928 midi files and 389 mp3 files;

  • 6,022 images;

  • more than 283,953 visitors per month (March 2007);

  • on the 24th of September 2007, there have been 11,568 visitors;

  • and frequent updates ...


Title's thanks to:

This site would not be what it is without:

  • My wife who understands and accepts my passion for Beethoven, accompnaies me on my discoveries and picks up her German dictionary each time it's necessary.

  • My mum in the role of attentive proof-reader, who never ceases to encourage me.

  • My dad, sent to take photos on numerous occasions, and in the role as translator of Italian.

  • Armando Orlandi, a merited Italian pianist who sents me each of his midi files, and who creates the biggest collection of midi files of Beethoven's music. Armando is translating the webiste into Italian...

  • Annie Moss Moore, who send me her list in English of Beethoven's works.

  • Cristina Barbieri, passionate about Beethoven, who has helped me enormously, notably with the portraits of the composer and who translates the website into Spanish.

  • Hannah Salter, who has passed many hours translating this site into English, a difficult and thankless task.

  • Melanie Piddocke, who now translates the new pages into English.

  • Stephen Powell who helps me to discover other composers and who left us too soon.

  • Thomas Roman and Peter Rath without who no ex-libris nor ex-musicis about Beethoven would be shown on this website.

  • Robert Poliquin, a Canadian musicologist, who lent me his catalogue of Hess works.

  • Ruth Wallach who went, at my demand, to take photos of the Beethoven statue in Los Angeles.

  • our friend Khadijah Bdour who did the same thing at Boston.

  • and many others: Sylvie Laurent, Hans Brofeldt, and many more who have let me use their musical creations, their photos, images of their paintings, drawings, etc... or simply for their understanding and friendship.

Thank you to you all!

Images for links
Here are three pcitures that yoy can use if you want to create a link to The small picture: 108 x 37 pixels - 3 Ko. - Small Size
The medium picture: 110 x 80 pixels - 7 Ko. - Medium Size
And the big and nice picture: 510 x70 pixels - 12 Ko. - Big Size
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Many thanks to Hannah SALTER for her translation of this page from French into English
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