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Poem - Annie My love of Beethoven - Maria
Annie Moss Moore

Annie is a Beethoven's admirer. Raed what she writes about the composer and his music:

"Other than my husband's love, the music of Ludwig van Beethoven is the finest thing I've ever found on the planet (and more generally available). A lot of other people have strong feelings about this music too, and a lot has been written about it, and a lot has been played, and everyone refers to it in their own way.

If it drives you crazy that a string quartet of his you like is called Opus 132 by some writers or CDs, the A minor quartet by others, and quartet #15 by still others, this database is for you! Want to find a lesser known work? Or to see if it's true what they say about Beethoven and C minor?..."


Annie Moss More and her husband

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A poem

And whoever strives upwards
out of the depths,
for him he opens up
the way to eternity.

If you want to follow him,
leave the path of everyday life,
and prepare yourself for paths,
far from earth:

guides upwards
only those who yearn
for comfort - or holy benediction.

Poet Unknown

Vault of Heaven...
Source images:
Beethoven's baptismal church, St. Remigius, provided by Gail Altman
Goldener Bach along the Beethoven-Weg and Piano Sonata Opus 109, third movement, provided by Cristina Barbieri
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You listen to...
the 30th Piano Sonata (Opus 109)

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