Beethoven: Biography of a Genius
A reference biography in English
Author: George R. MAREK
Funk & Wagnalls, NY,
696 pages.
The 1970 edition is the best version, but abridged newer versions are also available
The World of Art Library
Music - Arts book Society
1975 - 216 pages.
Beethoven: Impressions by His Contemporaries
Author: Oscar SONNECK
Dover, 1967 - reprint from 1927.
Beethoven and his world
Author: Scott BURNHAM
Princeton University Press
350 pages - 2000
ISBN: 0691070725.
Beethoven: His Spiritual Development
Author: J. W. N. SULLIVAN
Mentor 1949,
or Vintage Books, 1960.
Life of Beethoven
A reference biography in English
Author: Alexander Wheelock THAYER
Revised and edited by Elliot FORBES
Princeton University Press - 1967 - 1 141 pages
Two volumes - ISBN: 0-691-02717-X and 0-691-02718-8.
Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical Politics in Vienna, 1792-1803
Work about Beethoven's first years in Vienna
Author: Tia DENORA
University of California Press
32 pages - 1996
ISBN: 0520088921.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Short biography and long presentation of works. Superbly illustrated!
Author: Joseph SCHMIDT-GORG
New York: Praeger
A great work by a clever scholar
Author: Romain ROLLAND
Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press
Beethoven : The First Biography, 1827
If you want to read the very first biography, here it is
Author: Johann Aloys SCHLOSSER
Editor: Barry COOPER
Translator: Reinhard G. PAULY
Amadeus Press
1996 - 196 pages
ISBN: 1574670069.
Almost a reference, but questionable biography
Author: Maynard SOLOMON
Publisher: Schirmer Books
554 pages - 2001 (2nd revised edition)
ISBN: 0825672686.
Life of Beethoven
Ancient reference biography
Author: Louis NOHL
Traduction by John H. LALOR
A.C. McClurg & Company
Collection: Biographies of Musicians
1888 - 201 pages.
Beethoven, a Victorian Tribute
Based on the papers of Sir George Smart
Author: Percy M. YOUNG
Bobson Books
1976 - 125 pages
ISBN: 0-234-77672-2.
Ludwig van Beethoven - An Illustrated Biography
Magnificent illustrated biography (also exists in German)
Author: Ernst HERTTRICH
Verlag Beethoven Haus Bonn
1999? - 112 pages
ISBN: 3-88188-060-7.
Beethoven, The Composer as Hero
With numerous illustrations
Author : Philippe AUTEXIER
New Horizons
1992 - 144 pages
ISBN : 0-500-30006-2.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Biography of the composer
Author: LA MARA
Breitkopf & Härtel, Liepzig
116 pages.
Ludwig van Beethoven, sein Leben in Bildern
Beethoven's life in pictures
Author: Richard PETZOLDT
Veb Bibkiographisches Institut
Leipzig - 1952
80 pages.
Volksbücher der Musik: Ludwig van Beethoven
With 21 pictures
Author: Gustav THORMÄLIUS
Verlag Velhagen & Klasings Volksbücher Nr. 7
1912 ?
34 pages.