Created as a waltz, this work use a theme like a hymn played by the right hand of the piano.
Text: Hymn 1221
The Saviour waits!
His presence now
My thankful heart elates:
I hasten at His feet to how,
Within the temple gates.
He proffers gifts aurpassing all
The wealth of heart or sea.
The music is by W.A. Bates, the author of the text is unknown.
The score is at the Library of Congress in Washington.
Clara or the Last Waltz
Small work with an introduction, a theme like a waltz, variations and a 'grand finale'.
Composed probably around the 1840's, by the american composer Charles Grobe.
This work is rather hard to play, mainly because of the arpeges.
The score is at the Library of Congress in Washington, and its number is: " Opus 508".
Le Masque de Beethoven
Fantaisia for piano from Ludwig van Beethoven's works, by Francis Salabert (Éditions Salabert, Paris - 24 cm x 32 cm - 16 pages - 1934).
Le Bouquet
Published in Baltimore , "Le Bouquet, A Much Admired Waltz for the Piano Forte". John Cole & Son, no date. (probably 1870-1890).
Waltz composed by an american composer from the waltz WoO Anhang 14 and 16.
Melody preceded with an introduction
"A Classical Collection for Young Pianists, Arranged in a brillant get style, carefully fingered and without Octaves by H. Maylath :
4° Melody preceded by an Introduction
Jersey City - Published by Mollenhauer & Fiss 64 Montgomey St. 1871".
Beethoven's Admired Waltzes: Almanak's or Azalia Waltz
Saint Louis Published by Compton & Doan 205 Ntm Fourth Street.
Circa 1850.
Spirit Waltzer
Not by Beethoven.
Spirit Waltzer for piano, published in Boston, Bradlee 184, Washington Street, with the "Tulip Walzer", around 1850-1860.
Tulip Waltzer
Not by Beethoven.
Tulip Waltzer for piano, published in Boston, Bradlee 184, Washington Street, with the "Spirit Walzer", around 1850-1860.
A Favorite Air
A favorite air composed by Beethoven with variations by Henry Herz -
London -
D' Almaine & C° Soho Square
Henry (Heinrich) HERZ, composer born in Vienna in 1803 and dead in 1888, was a pianist. His little work "A favorite air composed by Beethoven with variations", was probably composed around 1830-1840.