You will find on this educational
music site: a multi-site search engine,
an e-mail directory of professors of
msuic in education, a midi-contact directory...,
internal search engine.
Presentation musical and educational
for Mac and PC, and musical information...
... plus lots more!!!
Languages: English, French, Spanish,
Educational music game. In French
and English. Play online...
A reference: numerous biographies,
a presentation of works sound files, etc.
Serious work has gone into this... |
The French Society of Musicology
founded in Paris in 1917, reunites those
interested in the studies of science and
msuical history. All of its members are
invited to special study days organised
by the society, which also has a publication... |
Important site on classical music,
with the presentation of composers and
classical works.
A site in French not to be missed... |
Some references on the history
of music.
Presentation of the great French composers:
their principal works, their place in
our world, museums, the importance we
give them and their origins.
The foreign composers are presented
in French...
Presentation of a composer each
month (but you can read all), and musical
A dictionary and a forum...
Musicological references.
Another exceptional music site for music
lovers: music analyses, biographies, bibliographies,
discographies, publications, links etc...
Don't hesitate... |
The musician's corner: a comprehensive
presentation of classical music, and
also of the origins of cotemporary music.
Biographies, musical extracts, presentation
and analyses of works, explication of
musical notions.
Another informative site...
All-Classic is a French site, despite
its name, which brings together a good
number of composers, all the instruments,
a lexicon of musical terms, links and
music extracts to download... |
The annual of French music sites:
a tool to consult for your research...
Arpeggione, The Life of Music: agenda,
annual, discs, boigraphies, dossiers,
A site in French which merits your attention... |