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TraitLudwig van Beethoven around France

Do there exist, in France, other statues, busts or paintings depicting Beethoven? I don't know of any more. If you have any information, don't hesitate to tell me. Thank you.

In the meantime, there exist numerous towns and cities in France which honour Beethoven in naming a street after him: Toulouse, Grenoble, Valence, Riom, Châteaubriant and Epernay are some of them.

There exist also schools named after Ludwig van Beethoven, in Montpellier and in Saint-Germain en Laye, a Beethoven gymnasium in Epernay, a retirement home in Arcachon, a centre of auditive re-education in Le Petit Quevilly (Seine Maritime), a CAMSP (Center for young people with handicaps) in Rouen, a block of flats in Nice, and a van Beethoven hotel in Saint-Julien de Peyrolas (Gard).

And there is a park named after Beethoven in Gonnesse (Val d'Oise)...

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Trait The Primary School in Montpellier
In the West of Montpellier, on the 'chemin de Poutignon', a charming primary school carries the name "Ludwig van Beethoven". Here it is...
Beethoven's school at Montpellier... Beethoven's school at Montpellier... Beethoven's school at Montpellier...
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Trait Beethoven's Street in Toulouse

Beethoven's street at  ToulouseThere is a small street in Toulouse which carries the name 'Rue Ludwig van Beethoven'.

Much like Beethoven's streets at Vienna and at Paris, it is a one way street out of the center if the city...

Click on the boxes to see my photos enlarged...

Beethoven's street at  Toulouse

The begining of Beethoven's street

Beethoven's street at  Toulouse

The end of Beethoven's street

Beethoven's street at  Toulouse

Looking from the end of the street

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Many thanks to Hannah SALTER for her translation of this page from French into English
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