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MenuLudwig van Beethoven: coins and medalsMenu

Stamps Coins and medals Cards

Germany France Europe Other countries Medals dated 1827 Bills Plaques

Trait Banknotes worth 50 000 000 000 and 100 000 000 000 Marks


Check...Notes dated october 15, 1923 - Bonn.

Any information about these will be welcome.

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Title A fake note featuring Beethoven
A fake 1 dollar note... A fake 1 dollar note... A fake 1 dollar note...

Check...A charming fake 1 dollar note....

L: 15.7 cm - H: 6.5 cm / L: 6.18" - H: 2.55"

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Trait De La Rue Giori S. A.: specimen notes
A Beethoven note

Check...A promotional note created by De La Rue Guiri S.A., probably infinished...

L : 15.9 cm - H : 7.4 cm

A Beethoven note
Un spécimen Beethoven
A Beethoven note

Check...The same note created by De La Rue Guiri S.A., but with all colors and the reverse side...

L : 15.9 cm - H : 7.4 cm

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Title Linked with Beethoven...
A Note with Bettina von Arnim, née Brentano... A Note with Bettina von Arnim, née Brentano... A Note with Bettina von Arnim, née Brentano...

A 5 Mark note, printed August 1st 1991 in Germany.

It pictures Bettina von Arnim, née Brentano, the step-sister of Antonie (one of the candidates to be the Immortel Beloved).

She made possible the meeting between Beethoven and Goethe, and wrote her memoires late in life, with a certain 'artistic liscence' and not without a hint of fantasy.....

L: 12.3 cm - H: 6.2 cm / L: 4.84" - H: 2.44"

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TraitTicket of the French National Lottery
Ticket of the French National Lottery

Check...Ticket of the French National Lottery, dated in 1961 (twelfth division). Series "Hommage à Beethoven", of the value of 26 New Francs (NF). This one carries the number 85481 of group 1. In all there were 800.000 tickets issued...

L : 13 cm - H : 6,5 cm

Many thanks to Melanie PIDDOCKE and Hannah SALTER
for their translations of this page from French into English
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